Feature requests

  1. Add a Community Feature

    We've been working on a community feature for AZ Musicians. We've narrowed it down to the two best possible solutions and are deciding between those at the moment. We didn't want to do just a basic forum and wanted something a bit more modern. We're hoping to launch this feature soon.

    Led Styler
    #Improvement#New Feature#Miscellaneous


  2. Bands Section

    Considering a bands section to the site. This would allow musicians to add their band to the site and also let them tie their songs to their band name with a link versus just a text option. They could also list other band members to the page as well.

    Led Styler
    #Improvement#New Feature#Styling


  3. AZ Musicians Merch

    Add AZ Musicians merchandise to the site so people can purchase shirts, hoodies, cups, stickers, etc.

    Led Styler
    #New Feature#Miscellaneous#Styling


  4. New Announcements area

    Currently not that happy with the announcements feature we've been using and would like to replace it with something better.

    Led Styler
    #Improvement#New Feature#Fix


  5. Add a feedback / idea area

    Add a feedback area so ideas can be added and voted on.

    Led Styler
    #Improvement#New Feature#Miscellaneous


  6. Add a Roadmap feature

    Add a roadmap feature so people know what we're working on and have already accomplished.

    Led Styler
    #Improvement#New Feature#Styling


  7. Weekly or Bi-Weekly Newsletter

    We're planning on adding a weekly or bi-weekly newsletter that will automatically display recent news, and some musicians and businesses.

    Led Styler
    #New Feature#Improvement#Miscellaneous


  8. AZ Musicians App

    We're considering creating an app for AZ Musicians but we want to address other things first and also see how the site grows and develops before we create an app version.

    Led Styler
    #New Feature#Improvement#Miscellaneous


  9. Help Docs Updated to Current Status of Site

    We're planning on updating the help documentation to reflect new changes coming and things that have already been implemented. If you have questions, please let us know. These are of course a constant work in progress but we want to bring them up to date.

    Led Styler
    #Improvement#Miscellaneous#Known Issues


  10. SSO (Single Sign-On) between Ideas, Roadmap, and rest of site.

    As of now, you do need to sign up in order to vote, comment, or create items, but we're planning on adding SSO (single sign-on) in the near future. That would allow you to be logged into both areas using the same credentials.

    Led Styler
    #New Feature#Improvement#Miscellaneous
